It’s Friday — Treat Yourself To A Model U.N. Made Up Of Wiener Dogs

We don't actually know if "wiener dog" is the preferred nomenclature or if the politically correct term for these little short-legged canines is Dachsund, but they've come together in the name of diplomatic accord. As part-installation and part, oh, we don't know, Dachsunds acting like countries, artist Bennett Miller has created a mock U.N., bringing in loads of different wiener dogs to act like countries.
Sadly, the United States won't stop yipping. And it appears that Nigeria keeps sniffing Saudi Arabia's butt. Jordan is blind, Ukraine seems to be in bed with France, and France doesn't even appear to be a Dachsund! If you can stand being scandalized, it also appears that, at around 28 minutes, Pakistan behaves rather inappropriately towards Slovenia. But this is the nature of international politics.
The Dachsunds are chosen because of their varied colors, tones, and behaviors, mimicking human traits. As Miller writes, "Joyful and chaotic, spectacular and fascinating, Dachshund UN questions our capacity to imagine and achieve a universal system of justice." The installation brings a surreal joy to the international proceedings, and while this isn't Miller's first time doing the project, it may be the most interesting. Check it out, for free, in Toronto until March 3. Also, no worries — unlike their human counterparts, handlers are close at hand.

Update: The video seems to be down, but check it out over here.

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