At this point, it just seems downright unrealistic to even try to avoid the giant rat king that social media has become. But, let's face it: Most of us have a dysfunctional relationship with these sites that could rival our ambivalence towards mac and cheese, sneaker wedges, and skinny hipster boys. They might be bad for our self-esteem, but they're everywhere and we just have trouble saying no.
The Daily Mail captures this conundrum well in its recent article (titled "Dislike Dislike Dislike") about all of the most annoying "humblebrag" types on social media these days. According to a survey of 1,793 people, fitness and diet braggers are the absolute worst ("Cher just ran around the ENTIRE island of Manhattan and feels absolutely incredible! #owningthislife #timeforagreenjuice"), followed by foodstagrammers ("Here's the last bite of my Kobe beef hot dog!"), smug marrieds ("Breakfast in bed AGAIN?! So blessed. :)"), and "Baby made a poopy!" oversharing parents. Also annoying: jet-setter or socialite types that feel the need to "check in" every time they arrive at a fabulous location. (Oh, yes, we are so glad that you are once again poolside in Marrakesh in your Chanel espadrilles. Good. For. You.)
So much to drive us crazy, but the reality is this: Not only do we kind of love to hate these people, but if we're honest with ourselves, we probably fall into at least one of these most-hated categories at least once a day. Social media is kind of that high-maintenance friend that entertains you when you're bored —except unlike your frenemy, it's much easier to silence when you can't take it anymore. #Silverlining. (The Daily Mail)

Photo: Via The Daily Mail