George P. Bush Could Be The Next Member Of The Beyhive

Well, another George Bush has entered the political realm. This time, however, it's George P. Bush and he's running for Land Commissioner of — you guessed it — Texas. Former President George W. Bush's nephew made his candidacy announcement Wednesday (along with telling the world he calls former FLOTUS Barbara Bush "Ganny") via YouTube with a soundtrack that sounds a lot like Beyoncé.
We might not have noticed it if Buzzfeed hadn't pointed it out, but now we're pretty sure. Unless we're going crazy (and we're pretty sure we're not), that piano-string melody backing Bush's monologue is ripped straight from Bey's belt-tastic ballad "Halo." We'd recognize the instrumental anywhere — it's ingrained in our memory. One thing we're not too sure of, though, is whether or not the avid President Obama supporter and Democrat is backing her fellow Texan. Bey's spokesperson failed to respond to BuzzFeed's inquiry.
If he did borrow without permission, his team should be worried — there can be little doubt that Beyoncé has a killer legal team on her side. Or perhaps George P. Bush is just an avid member of the Beyhive, like we are? Y'all be the judge, here. (BuzzFeed)

Videos: Courtesy of George P. Bush Campaign; Sony Music Entertainment/Beyoncé Vevo.

Photo: Via ABC News.

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