Damien Lewis Receives Major Honours, Reveals Devastating Homeland News

As honours go, the Freedom to the City of London is perhaps the strangest. But, if you are true Londoner, the most revered, too. And that's precisely the award Damien Lewis collected this week, much to his evident pride (see the video below for proof).
And that's all good and well, but the resulting interview yielded some intel that's freaking us out. When asked what we can expect from season three of plot-twister Homeland, he skirts the issue, but does disclose that Carrie and Brody are over. His precise words: “I don’t think those two can be together.” But wait, what? Isn't she going to go back, clear his name, and make things right — with a few manic episodes and some hysterical crying thrown in, of course.
We're bold enough to admit that we’ve always rather rooted for TV’s most dysfunctional couple. Sure, we might not want to have them round for dinner (can you imagine the potential interruptions?), but we want those two crazy kids to make it. What say you? Carrie and Brody: TV’s golden couple or a nightmare that's never going to happen? (Digital Spy)

Photo: Via Digital Spy


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