How can you tell if an on-again, off-again A-list couple is on the mend? Well, for Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, it means braving crowds for weekly karaoke night and posing for photos with fans at a local dive bar. Apparently, Facebook status updates are only for us regular folk!
The pair would've flown under the radar at Ye Rustic Inn, had it not been for Lany Morrison: A Twi-hard with enough courage to coax the normally low-key duo to flash their pearly whites (or, in RPatz's case, muster up a mousy grin). We all know a picture's worth a thousand words — and that makes the story behind this shot a good one. According to Morrison, Rob was clowning around with the photog, turning his back on the lens — a move KStew was not fond of. She allegedly scolded her beau, telling him to stop being "such an asshole." She even drove the point home by apologizing, saying: "Sorry he’s being an asshole," and was nothing but cooperative (whether that's a peace sign or inappropriate gesture she's flashing is up for debate).
Ah, to be young and in love! (Hollywood Life)

Photo: Via Hollywood Life