If you happen to have major cash to burn, we've found just the thing for some conspicuous consumption. The folks over at The Awl were browsing in Hermès' Madison Avenue men's boutique and happened across this $91,500 T-shirt. Nope, you didn't read that wrong. (The site pointed out that the sales tax alone would ring in at $8,000.)
Admittedly, you're getting all the superb style, craftsmanship, and longevity that comes with an Hermès garment. Also, we can't dismiss the luxe material: This tee is rendered from an eye-popping crocodile. To be honest, we've never worn a croc topper, so we can't speak to its breathability in a steamy Big Apple summer — reptiles are cold-blooded creatures, though, so this might present a problem. Somehow, we don't think we'll ever find out.
Photo: Via The Awl; Photo (above): Maria Valentino/MCV Photo