Rachel McAdams, we have missed you. We know you've been busy being awesome, riding your bike adorably through the streets of your Toronto hometown, and, recently, breaking up with Michael Sheen. Despite your recent heartache (or maybe because of it?) we are thrilled to see you out and about, with a bright, sassy, totally breakover-worthy mane of electric red hair.
While it's essentially be scientifically proven that you can literally pull off every hair color on the face of this great earth, we have to admit this particular shade of fire-engine might be a tad too bright for our liking. We love you as a redhead (after all, it reminds us of this...sigh), so we'll have to see if we can adjust to this new hue — at least until you're on to your next shade. Boyfriends may come and go, but Rachel, our love for you (and your ever-changing hair) is forever. (People StyleWatch)

Photo: Via People StyleWatch