Flowers, Candles, & Funeral Parlours: A Tale Of Festival-Planning Negotiations

Isn’t it incredible how glitzy festivals have become in recent years? The paraphernalia, the outfit changes, the exotic foods...and that’s just for the performers. A rather more elaborate affair than a simple stage in a field, that's for sure. With that in mind, spare a thought for Vogue's editor Alexandra Shulman, who in the Telegraph reveals the tricky negotiations taking place behind the scenes in the run up to the second Vogue Festival.
“The choice of flowers on stage, for example, is a subject of substantial negotiation (some speakers are very specific about which blooms company they are prepared to share the podium with), the use of scented candles (last year I ordered that all the candles be extinguished when I arrived at the venue since I thought the place smelt like a funeral parlour — this year we've got specific requests for the guests' dressing rooms).”
Do you think Glastonbury’s Michael Eavis has the same problem? Although, one can only imagine the demands requests the Rolling Stones have put in. Oh to be a fly on the wall during that meeting. (Telegraph)
VogueFestivalOpener Photo: Via Vogue

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