With music-festival season in full effect, we decided to get to the bottom of what actually goes down amidst the chaos of Coachella, the bars of South by, and the tent cities of Bonnaroo. Using data from the kind folks at Poshly, which we partnered with for a festival-centric beauty giveaway, we got answers to those burning questions festivalsgoers need to know: What festivals do fans like best? Are people actually hooking up? And, perhaps most interestingly, are you guys all on drugs?!
As it turns out, the results didn't always pan out as we expected. Lollapalooza was the most desired festival to attend, with 36% of those polled saying they wanted to head to Chicago. This was followed closely by Coachella (30%), with SXSW (16%) and Bonnaroo (13%) neck in neck. Pitchfork, also in Chicago, ended up dead last with 5% — a big surprise, considering the lineup this year is so awesome.
When asked if they would "ever hook up with a cute stranger?" 80% of those polled said they hadn't, 14% said "just once," and 6% said "all the time!" Maybe it's just us, but from the amount of sloppy make-out sessions we've witnessed in Austin alone, that number seems drastically low. (It could be because just 39% of respondents said that they don't drink at music festivals.) When asked about drugs, the stats were similarly tame, with 79% saying that they keep it sober at music festivals, 12% smoking pot, 1% dabbling with cocaine and hallucinogens, 3% using Ecstasy, and the remaining 4% mixing a "hodgepodge of substances" (be careful out there, you guys!). Woodstock, apparently, Lollapalooza is not.
So, what do folks actually do at music festivals? Well, "the music" is still the biggest reason people attend, followed by "kicking back and relaxing." That's pretty heartening to hear, considering what seems like the current emphasis on parties and celebrities over the last few years. (Although, in a different category, 26% said that "celeb spotting gives me a jolt.") If anything can be gleaned from Poshly's survey, it may be that music festivalgoers put music first, and leave their vices to other venues. So, tell us: Do you fit in with these demographics? What's your favorite way to experience a music festival?
Photo: Courtesy of jaycpee via Refinery29