Meeting Of The Minds: Stephen Colbert Gets Bill Clinton On Twitter

Sometimes, all you need is a little push to try something new and intimidating — which is exactly what happened when funnyman Stephen Colbert headed to the Clinton Global Initiative University in St. Louis last week to tape an episode of his show with President Bill Clinton. After assessing Clinton's current state of social media immersion (just Facebook and texting with his fam), Colbert signed him up for a Twitter account on the spot. The former prez even sent out his first shaky tweet during filming — "Just spent amazing time with Colbert! Is he sane? He is cool! #cgiu." We give him props for the hashtag work, and for amassing 126,400 followers from a single tweet. Watch the full episode here, and send your tweets to @PrezBillyJeff. (Colbert Report)

Photo: Via Comedy Central/Colbert Report

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