A lot of people seem to be tiring of the ol' partially shaved head getup, but Michelle Williams is just getting started. Fresh off the press train from Oz, the star appeared at the Kate Young for Target launch last night with an edgy take on her much-adored Pixie cut. Though she didn't technically shave her hair off, the short-long look has the same effect.
When you're Michelle Williams, it's hard to go wrong (though it happens). This sort of mix-and-match might attract some haters, considering the many strong opinions we've seen regarding the style on other celebs. On another note, when did the remaining parts of her hair get so long? It seems like just yesterday that she first went for the pixie. What we love about her recent hairstyle choices is that she's fully discredited the old stereotype that short hair can't be feminine or sexy, and this is no exception. The new 'do is a little Edward Scissorhands, but you tell us — is that actually a good thing?
Photo: MediaPunch Inc/Rex USA.