Ah, Tax Day. Hopefully most of us have filed out our forms and are waiting for a fat refund, but the truth is that the pinch of April 15 generally leaves most Americans feeling less-than-wealthy. Before you start lamenting your tax bracket or the amount of your paycheck that seems to vanish, check out this rather effective site that reminds you exactly where you are on the monetary scale. The Global Rich List factors in your salary and uses the World Bank Development Research Group's figures to see where you land, percentage-wise, on the list of the richest people in the world.
Most likely, you are no Adele. But this list leaves even those who are entry-level feeling pretty flush. It's a nice, illustrative reminder that, simply by having access to a computer and the educational level to read these words, you are doing significantly better than the rest of the world. Which is an amazing wake-up call to how lucky we are, even if we happen to be feeling a little light in the wallet this time of year. (FastCo)
Photo: Courtesy of Global Rich List.