It’s not often a celebrity name checks the tabloids for having a positive effect on their life, but that is exactly what Gwyneth Paltrow has done. She cites the Brit tabloids for getting her and husband Chris Martin together.
It was the press’s constant gossiping about their relationship (before they had even met) that was the catalyst to the couple’s first actual meeting, as it turns out.
“And then he was in Los Angeles doing a concert and an actress that he had a crush on was supposed to come to the concert. When she didn’t show up, he was so annoyed that he said, ‘Oh, this is for my girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow.' Then people were saying, ‘What’s going on?’ I was like, ‘I’ve never met this guy, I’ve no idea!' And because of that, because people were writing about it, we ended up meeting at a concert and there you go. So, thank you!”
First, how cute is that story? And second, who is the mystery actress Chris had a crush on? Answers in the comments section if you know, please.
Gwyneth also reveals that she prefers the U.K. to the U.S. when it comes to raising her children, as the press regulations are stricter here.
“There’s a lot of laws that protect us from people following us and things like that. And they don’t print the faces of the children, so we have more privacy in London. In New York these days it’s impossible to maintain privacy. It’s really gotten extreme. In London we have a very mellow family lifestyle and it’s a great city to raise kids in, I think.”
We’ve never been on the receiving end of a telephoto lens’s merciless stare, nor have we been followed down the street while heading to the gym, so we can only imagine what the emotional fallout is for this type of day-in-day-out intrusion. On the other hand, it seems that sometimes, the intrusive nature of the tabs can be a blessing in disguise.... (The Sun)