Facebook Might Be Causing You To Gain Weight In Strange Ways, Really

breakfast body
Picture this (if you can): You wake up minutes before your alarm feeling rested with a clear head ready to tackle the hours before you. You take your shower, brew some coffee, pick out a great outfit, and even sit down for breakfast. For most of us, this kind of morning is a dream. Rahul Gursahani, a representative of belVita Breakfast, told The Daily Mail the, "demands on people's time in the morning means breakfast is often sidelined," and as a result of this, four in ten women are at a risk of gaining weight. Yeah, that extra 15 minutes spent browsing the web in bed could be forcing us to go without grub.
It's old news skipping breakfast corresponds to weight gain, but new research says the time that could be spent fueling your body is now spent on e-mails, Tweets, and updating Facebook status. The Daily Mail reports that one in four people log on to Facebook before starting their day, and one in three check their e-mails first thing. The Daily Mail quoted nutritionist Fiona Hunter, who remarked that, "After 10–12 hours without food our body and brain need fuel." The Facebook-induced rush in the a.m. might mean a higher tendency to crave something sugary and fatty to immediately feel sated.
Once again, here is another instance that social media is affecting even our most basic instincts. We don't need to tell you that it's more important to eat your breakfast rather than just Instagramming it, but maybe use your networking and e-mailing habits as a post-breakfast reward. If you still find yourself holding a one-way ticket to the struggle-fest, these pick-me-up tips should do the trick. (The Daily Mail)

Photo: Courtesy of belVita Breakfast.

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