UPDATE: Anne Hathaway Not Connected To Cabaret After All

UPDATE: Well, color us disappointed. Turns out Playbill reported yesterday that Hathaway is not attached to the aforementioned Cabaret production. On the bright side, though, Alan Cumming is most likely on board. (Playbill)
Well, we see what Annie Hathaway is doing here: She's aiming for that ultimate signifier of the super-talented. Yup, she's going for the EGOT, that hallowed collection of awards (it means an entertainer has won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony) nabbed by only 11 people (including Whoopi Goldberg, Audrey Hepburn, and John Gielgud).
Apparently, Anne Hathaway is heading to Broadway to take on the legendary role of Sally Bowles in Cabaret (whose filmic depiction nabbed Liza Minelli an Oscar). The rumor doesn't seem too far off: Anne has been known to have a Cabaret tune or two in her arsenal, and as Vulture points out, this corroborates Alan Cumming's claim that he is going back to the stage with "something familiar" (he previously played The Emcee in the Broadway production).
For Hatha-haters (a group of people we don't really understand, because Anne is just doing her damndest to be her best), we'd like to remind you: Hathaway is a dyed in the wool theater nerd, and the role of Sally is a dream for a theater nerd. Hey, we'll get tickets. And to remind you of how amazing the musical is, check out the incredible "Mein Herr," below. (Vulture)

Photo: Courtesy of Universal Pictures

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