Since he was "discovered" in 2011, reports have popped up from time to time about Madonna's homeless, alcoholic brother Anthony Ciccone — with many wondering why, when he's kin to a billionaire, he would be living in such dire straits.
Two days ago, he was arrested (not for the first time) in Traverse City, MI, where he lives. A report from a local paper reports he'll be charged with a felony for resisting and obstructing a police officer, after she asked him to leave a bathroom at the city's Civic Center while intoxicated.
Ciccone told the New York Daily News last month that he and his sister never loved each other, going on to say: "Evidently various people have been pestering her about matters of neglect regarding family and such. I think she's probably a little bit pissed off with me...But I've never asked my sister for anything. She don't owe me nothing." Still, other sources claim she and her father refuse to help him until he makes steps towards recovery from his alcoholism.
All we can say is this is a very sad situation. Obviously, we don't know what's gone on in the Ciccone family, whether there's bad blood, or if there ever was a close relationship — and addiction is an incredibly difficult, lifelong struggle with no easy solution. But it seems like when you've got that much cash going around, you might want to help out — not in spite of alcohol addiction but in the hopes of helping combat it. We're not saying Madge should give him a blank check, but a little love and support might go a long way.

Image: Via NY Daily News.