Aries (March 21-April 19)
Early this week, a change of guard brings an unexpected opening for your ascent. Although you’ll feel a wee bit out of your league, you’d kick yourself if you didn’t go after this opportunity.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You’re the chattiest of them all, as garrulous Mercury camps out in your sign from May 1 to 14. Who knew you had so much to say? Instead of burning through all your cell-phone minutes, record a podcast, blast out a batch of blog posts, or hop on stage for an open mic night. While your opinions are strong, they’re also spot-on.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
How deep is your love, Gemini? Your commitment is tested this week, and it’s worth noting if any resistance comes up when you’re called upon for support. Perhaps you’re just not that into this person. Then again, you might simply need a little more freedom and space. Pursue independent interests and see if it helps you bring back the love.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Open mouth, insert chunky-heeled sandal. Your sharp-shooting style could pierce someone’s delicate ego this week. Ouch! Before you “call it like you see it,” consider the ramifications of your rant. Your best bet? Brainstorm solutions before you address that touchy topic. Approaching this issue proactively could turn the thorn in your side into an incredible partner before the week is through.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
You’ve said yes to five too many things, and now you’re having a meltdown. Eek! The silently seething martyr role does not become you, Leo. With Mercury moving through your ambitious tenth house from May 1 to 14, it’s essential that you prioritize. Swallow your pride and bow out of commitments that aren’t moving you closer to your grandest goal.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Lust is blind early this week and might come masquerading as true love. Wait until Friday (at least!) before Tweeting that you’ve just met The One. Mercury’s move into your ninth house of honesty from May 1 to 14 gives you chutzpah for days. Find out the truth — yes, you can handle it — by simply asking people how they truly feel. Devote the second half of the week to restoring healthy habits. More wheatgrass, less whisky, please.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
You just can’t get into the sunshine-and-rainbows headspace early this week, so don’t force it. Instead, spend a little time drifting through the storm clouds of your psyche. Admitting that something is not living up to your hopes and expectations doesn’t have to spell doom. Figure out what’s wrong, then, start drumming up creative solutions. Do so in dialogue. It’s a lot more effective — not to mention faster — than trying to flesh this out on your own.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Sparkle pony alert! (What? No Portlandia fans?) What seems like a really excellent idea on Monday could be trumped by an even better plan on Tuesday...and yet another one on Wednesday still. Warning: All this upgrading could leave friends questioning your allegiance. Priorities, Scorpio! You’ll never enjoy that Plan C if you ditch your pals in the process. Stay true to your crew.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
A tempting offer is on the table this week, but do you have to sell your soul — or worse, sacrifice every spare moment of your time — to participate? It’s one thing to pay your dues, Archer, but quite another to burn yourself out. Avoid signing on to anything that will turn you into a total stress basket. You hate to miss out on an opportunity, but you’ll miss having a life more.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Helloooo, Cupid! Flirty Mercury cranks up the heat in your love life from May 1 to 14. You certainly won’t be shy about asking for what you want and need this week. Just make sure your desires don’t lead you down the diva trail. There’s a thin line between demure and demanding this week, though you might not realize where it lies. Before you ask others to do your bidding, make sure you’re holding up your end of the bargain, too.
Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
What you focus on expands, Aquarius, so put your attention on the most inspiring outcome imaginable. If you can’t articulate it, break out the magazines and make a vision board. A picture says a thousand words, after all. Then, give your social circle a review. Do the people in your life support this vision or do they sweep you into drama, fear, and anxiety? Your quality of life is directly proportional to the company you keep.
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Under pressure! People are counting on you, Pisces, and you’re nervous about pulling through. Pull in some reinforcements, ASAP, as many hands do indeed make light work. If coworkers are swamped, don’t be shy about recruiting friends and family for this mission. You’ve done them solids for days. This is the moment where you request your long-overdue paybacks.
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut — known as The AstroTwins — are professional astrologers with over 15 years experience in astrology, publishing, and coaching. Their columns and predictions reach millions every month.