It's been a hard two weeks for the country and the fight for gun legislation reform, but for the families and the victims of the tragic Newtown shooting, it's been a hard four months. And things won't be getting any easier anytime soon. After the recent gun control bill's disheartening failure, many of us felt the need to stand up and do something, but felt lost trying to find ways to help. Now, the team at creative collaboration Guts & Glory have put their heads together to start They Don't Work For You, a website dedicated to fostering awareness about gun laws and motivating citizens to connect with lawmakers on the issues.
The website details — in heartbreaking fashion — each and every senator that voted against the gun reform bill, and honors victims of gun violence, from Sandy Hook and beyond. The site also provides information on how to get your voice heard, with contact information for said senators. Scrolling through the pictures of the victims' smiling faces isn't easy (we'll admit to a few tears along the way), but it certainly is effective. Click over for all the powerful information and take a stand. (They Don't Work For You)
Photo: Via They Don't Work For You