True Life: Your Favorite Cartoon Characters Go To The Dermatologist

Cartoon characters hold a special place in our hearts. Just the sight of them gives us aches of nostalgia, with visions of Saturday mornings spent with sugary cereal and your tried-and-true animated friends. But, perhaps the best part about these characters is that, though we may grow older while they stay in permanent caricature, they seem to face some of the same problems we do, even as adults. And you better believe that includes beauty problems (He-Man may have been your first crush, but as a full-grown woman, you realize he really just needs a haircut). The geniuses over at Beauty Blitz recognized this phenomenon, so they went ahead and sent them to the dermatologist.
Finally, Sponge Bob gets help for those acne scars, The Grinch seeks out some Botox, and Shaggy fixes those puffy eyes, all while using real-life products that actual humans can buy (no Acme products here). Check out the full slideshow to see just what we're talking about. Though...someone really ought to tackle Helga's unibrow. (Beauty Blitz)

Image: Via Beauty Blitz

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