Fact: Lady Mary is about as fancy as it gets. A woman of propriety, she is the epitome of class and elegance, and an advocate of British tradition. She insists upon formality and politeness in every activity and conversation, and we love her for it, but we also understand that Lady Mary isn't real. Michelle Dockery, however, is, and she's also consistently been a champion of the unexpected. And now, true to that tradition of versatility, she will be making her debut on Family Guy. Yes, really.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Dockery will be providing the voiceover for a cutaway gag on the Griffins' television. Her character will be playing (shock) a British aristocrat in a period drama. Just the way we like her. Though no other details are available, we can only imagine that there will be plenty of blaming Meg and at least three "giggity"s. (Daily Mail)

Image: Via Daily Mail