Would You Insure The Contents Of Your…Makeup Bag?

Sometimes, you and your stuff part ways. It's no one's fault. Well, okay — usually, it's your fault. But, we've all been there. An eyeshadow left at a girlfriend's house. A lip gloss fallen behind in the ladies' toilets. A mascara dropped out of a bag. We get it.
But, as if losing your favorite now-discontinued lipstick weren't enough, a new poll reveals that the annual cost of replacing the lost items of your beauty kit is a whopping £248. And the industrious company behind said data thinks that merits a stand-alone make-up bag insurance policy for women.
According to a poll by beauty retailer Feel Unique, which surveyed over 2,000 women, one in 10 women spend £60 a month replacing lost beauty items, and the average British woman will spend £248 per year replacing her favorite makeup. What's more concerning is that over a quarter of those women admitted to cancelling a date because they could not locate (or easily replace) their favourite makeup essential. Yikes.
Feel Unique thinks these findings are significant (um, yeah!), and a company spokesperson says it may even be enough for the company to pursue insurance policies: "The total loss of makeup in the U.K. is significant. Such are our findings, we are going to talk to a number of insurance providers about creating a stand-alone make-up bag insurance policy for women." This may sound ridiculous, but at the right price, insurance for your Dior-Chanel-Guerlain stash may be totally worth it. (Telegraph)

Image: Via Telegraph


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