5 Things We Learned About James Franco From His Gatsby Review

James Franco is a jack of all trades, but the jury is still out on whether or not he can really master any particular one. Personally, we're fans of his cute face, acting skills, and willingness to do whatever he wants, regardless of criticism. His latest gig includes a review of Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby for Vice, and it's definitely worth a read. He makes some great points, and you should check it out, but first — here are five facts we learned about the man behind the mystery while reading this illuminating piece.

1. He's maybe, probably, secretly plotting a big-screen remake of Hamlet set in outer space (genius).

2. He loves 3D and wants you to "just deal with it because you want to."

3. He's in total Comp Lit 101 mode — everything must be referred to as a "reading" or a "text."

4. This is less of a learning, and more of an assumption, but could he possibly be giving this film a positive spin to prime the critics for his upcoming film adaptation of
As I Lay Dying

5. This sentence: "It reminds me of my high school relationships, where I tortured girlfriends for getting fingered by other boys when they were freshmen. Just move on, dude."

Now, run along and read the full piece, and do let us know if we missed anything. All jokes aside, he does make some great points, especially about the soundtrack. And we kind of hope 2001: A Shakespeare Odyssey really happens. (Vice)

Photo: Masatoshi Okauchi/Rex/Rex USA.


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