Oh no. When you’ve spent your life savings on a Knightsbridge postal code, the last thing you want is a gaggle of drunken fools messing up your groomed garden each morning. So, surely Harvey Nicks could’ve foreseen the local backlash against its latest proposal. "Wait, you mean you don’t want a nightclub next door to your bazillion-pound estate?"
Pickpockets, revelry, and boozy street fights aren't exactly what we expect from Knightsbridge, but with Harvey Nichols applying to extend its fifth-floor bar licence, are we set for a tide of change? The upmarket department store is a corner shop for the wealthy, attracting customers old and young. Honing in on the latter, it hopes to extend the bar’s opening hours to 3 a.m. most days. Party on, right?
Sadly, the local council isn’t sold. Residents neither. In a statement, the council comments, “There have been constant problems for locals as revelers vomit and urinate on their doorsteps.” Yikes. Putting their foot down against the proposal, they go on to say, “Discarded syringes, used condoms, and litter are also left on residents’ doorsteps. Longer opening hours will exacerbate these problems.”
Good luck with this one, Harvey Nichols. (Homes & Property)