Remember when, in the Sex and the City film, Charlotte explained to her friends that she was happy every day? "Not all day every day, but every day." Well, the minds behind Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group (TCSG) took that philosophy to the streets of the U.K. to see just how happy Britons are. And, according to the group's new study, Sheffield is the happiest city in Britain. No, really.
Apparently, a third of the people surveyed in Sheffield say they feel good every day of the week. Of course, happiness is measured in all sorts of ways, and TCSG says that more than 60% of those surveyed reported that doing good deeds made them feel good, while 37% claimed sex was the secret to happiness. Other participants mentioned that receiving compliments and spending time with family and friends were also huge factors. Steven Taylor, a representative of TCSG, says "The research commissioned has shed real light on how most of us are feeling in our everyday lives and what affects our confidence on a daily basis." Taylor also claims that the group's campaign is "centred around empowering the nation to feel good about themselves, and celebrate their own achievements, however small."
Following Sheffield were Edinburgh and Brighton. We're not exactly sure why a cosmetic surgery group is conducting studies on overall happiness in Britain, but we're certainly interested in the results. Check out the full list at the Metro and find out where your city ranks. (Metro)

Image: Via Metro