Does this mean that North West is a no-go? (Probably not — North feels like a gender neutral name.) But tonight, on the season premiere of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, the pregnant reality television star revealed that she and Kanye are making a baby girl. In a tasteful move, after the doctor admitted he didn't "see any peepees," Kim made sure to add, "It definitely would take after his father so you would see it." Yeah. Enjoy that one a bit.
Pretty exciting, but given both the parents and the grandparents' predilection for a particular letter and its alliterative qualities, we'd gather the baby's name might start with a "K." Kitten? Kite? Kash Money? There are infinite possibilities. It's all very exciting, but it's hard to process after the most emotional, acid-reflux-inducing episode of Game Of Thrones ever. (E!)

Photo: Via E! Online