We’re Completely Enthralled By The Latest British Vogue Cover

We take our hats off to Helena Bonham Carter, who looks incredible on the cover of British Vogue's July issue. The issue is devoted to ageless style and, my, has Bonham Carter got it in droves. Yes, the actress has appeared on countless worst-dressed opinion polls, but do you think she cares? Not a jot. For Bonham Carter, fashion it seems, is to be enjoyed but not taken very seriously.
In the interview accompanying the cover shoot, the actress recounts a recent fashion faux pas involving a hat. "The worst one was with pompoms all over it. The Daily Mail called me the Bulgarian Elf and the name stuck. Tim now calls me that all the time. I did look ridiculous, I must admit. I'm always the first one to find it funny."
How refreshingly down-to-earth is that? With two films scheduled for release this summer in which the eccentric actress plays a one-legged Victorian prostitute (in Gore Verbinski's The Lone Ranger) and the title character in an Elizabeth Taylor biopic, we can expect to see many more thrillingly original red-carpet looks from this English star. We can't wait. (British Vogue)

Photo: Courtesy of British Vogue

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