Call us unsophisticated, but we can't wait to see This Is The End, the new, apocalyptic comedy featuring Seth Rogen, James Franco, and the rest of the Judd-Apatow gang. Sure, the flick will probably be overrun with crude jokes, cheap death scenes, and bong after bong — but hey, we can't help ourselves. When else will we get the chance to see Rihanna bitch-slap Michael Cera?
The cast sat down with GQ to chat about the making of the flick, and the result is just a tiny preview of the movie's humor. From inviting Emma Watson to join the cast (Rogen: "You know, as handsome as James Franco is, you want to look at someone else eventually,") and reactions to the addition of a mini-Pineapple Exress sequel (Cera: "It’s my favorite sequence. I couldn’t stop laughing. I thought it was the best use of these guys’ real-life relationships with each other and how ridiculous they are as people. Self-congratulatory and childish at the same time,") to some of the flick's more, ahem, R-rated scenes, they let it all out.
Click over to the full interview for a good laugh, but make sure your boss isn't reading over your shoulder — seriously. (GQ)

Photo: Via GQ