Aries (March 21-April 19)
Look up from your single-focused quest, Aries. A VIP member of your inner circle is starved for your attention, and you don’t want to be charged with neglect. Even if complaints haven’t been audible, do the damage control and carve out some quality “just the two of us” time. Oh, and yes, you absolutely should pick up the tab for this one.
Look up from your single-focused quest, Aries. A VIP member of your inner circle is starved for your attention, and you don’t want to be charged with neglect. Even if complaints haven’t been audible, do the damage control and carve out some quality “just the two of us” time. Oh, and yes, you absolutely should pick up the tab for this one.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
You don’t have “Welcome” tattooed across your forehead, Taurus, so stop letting people treat you like their doormat. The time has come to assert your boundaries with a narcissist in your life. You’ve hoped that your giving would inspire in-kind behavior; instead, it’s made him or her lazier. Stop doing and see if he/she wakes up. If not, “Next!”
You don’t have “Welcome” tattooed across your forehead, Taurus, so stop letting people treat you like their doormat. The time has come to assert your boundaries with a narcissist in your life. You’ve hoped that your giving would inspire in-kind behavior; instead, it’s made him or her lazier. Stop doing and see if he/she wakes up. If not, “Next!”
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Your restlessness is in full effect this week, making you want to bolt in the face of a daunting responsibility. Stay. Put. Despite your fear and agitation, this is a chance to prove that you can indeed make it to the finish line. In doing so, you could also set yourself up for a salary hike or perhaps everlasting love.
Your restlessness is in full effect this week, making you want to bolt in the face of a daunting responsibility. Stay. Put. Despite your fear and agitation, this is a chance to prove that you can indeed make it to the finish line. In doing so, you could also set yourself up for a salary hike or perhaps everlasting love.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
It appears that you have some competition this week, Cancer, but don’t let it ruffle your feathers. Instead, adopt a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” mindset. This person is actually someone you want in your corner, plus your combined talents will be mindblowing. If teaming up isn’t a possibility, let this be a wakeup call to adopt a more innovative approach, carving out a new niche for yourself in the process.
It appears that you have some competition this week, Cancer, but don’t let it ruffle your feathers. Instead, adopt a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” mindset. This person is actually someone you want in your corner, plus your combined talents will be mindblowing. If teaming up isn’t a possibility, let this be a wakeup call to adopt a more innovative approach, carving out a new niche for yourself in the process.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Detach, Leo. Nothing positive will come from replaying that situation in your head for yet another week. Since personality transplants have yet to be invented, there are no creative solutions available besides getting far, far away from that toxic person. Treat yourself to a breakover, hit the gym hard, pour energy into people who make you feel better when you leave them, not worse. By Saturday, your spark will return!
Detach, Leo. Nothing positive will come from replaying that situation in your head for yet another week. Since personality transplants have yet to be invented, there are no creative solutions available besides getting far, far away from that toxic person. Treat yourself to a breakover, hit the gym hard, pour energy into people who make you feel better when you leave them, not worse. By Saturday, your spark will return!
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Reminder: “No” is a complete sentence. You don’t have to explain why you’re not feeling an offer, Virgo. If people apply pressure, you can simply say, “I have my reasons, but I’m not comfortable speaking about them now.” Enough! And if that isn’t respected, walking away may be your only option.
Reminder: “No” is a complete sentence. You don’t have to explain why you’re not feeling an offer, Virgo. If people apply pressure, you can simply say, “I have my reasons, but I’m not comfortable speaking about them now.” Enough! And if that isn’t respected, walking away may be your only option.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Honor thy father, Libra, or the dude who played Dad for you when you were growing up. With a male-dominated cosmic lineup this week, you’ll be extra grateful for the good fellas in your life. Be sure they know it with a heartfelt tribute, quality time, and a gift that goes beyond the stereotypical wallet or tie clip.
Honor thy father, Libra, or the dude who played Dad for you when you were growing up. With a male-dominated cosmic lineup this week, you’ll be extra grateful for the good fellas in your life. Be sure they know it with a heartfelt tribute, quality time, and a gift that goes beyond the stereotypical wallet or tie clip.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Retract that stinger, Scorpio. You may be perfectly justified in your annoyance, but harping on people’s flaws won’t solve the problem at hand. Give people a detailed guide to what you do want; heck, devise a flowchart or infographic! The problem may be that people are stabbing in the dark instead of getting clear signals from oh-so-mysterious you.
Retract that stinger, Scorpio. You may be perfectly justified in your annoyance, but harping on people’s flaws won’t solve the problem at hand. Give people a detailed guide to what you do want; heck, devise a flowchart or infographic! The problem may be that people are stabbing in the dark instead of getting clear signals from oh-so-mysterious you.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Caution: Mixed signals ahead — and yikes, looks like they’re coming from you, Archer. If you’re unclear about where you stand on matters, don’t say a peep (or post any incendiary Tweets). You could lose people’s attention and respect if you take them on a wild ride through your confusion. Instead, have your process in private, with a neutral third party as your advisor.
Caution: Mixed signals ahead — and yikes, looks like they’re coming from you, Archer. If you’re unclear about where you stand on matters, don’t say a peep (or post any incendiary Tweets). You could lose people’s attention and respect if you take them on a wild ride through your confusion. Instead, have your process in private, with a neutral third party as your advisor.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Shuck plans to add “peacekeeping diplomat” to your résumé this week, Capricorn. By attempting to stifle a conflict, you’re suppressing your own evolution — not to mention the growth of everyone else involved. Airing feelings can bring a huge clearing this week. While it won’t be 100% pretty, the truth shall set you all free.
Shuck plans to add “peacekeeping diplomat” to your résumé this week, Capricorn. By attempting to stifle a conflict, you’re suppressing your own evolution — not to mention the growth of everyone else involved. Airing feelings can bring a huge clearing this week. While it won’t be 100% pretty, the truth shall set you all free.
Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
Your network boosts your net worth, Aquarius, so don’t be shy about sharing your economic stimulus plans with your peeps. Friends may have the very hookup you’ve been looking for in the form of a job opening, dream client, or investment opportunity. While you’re at it, head to an industry event. It never hurts to mingle with the movers and shakers.
Your network boosts your net worth, Aquarius, so don’t be shy about sharing your economic stimulus plans with your peeps. Friends may have the very hookup you’ve been looking for in the form of a job opening, dream client, or investment opportunity. While you’re at it, head to an industry event. It never hurts to mingle with the movers and shakers.
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
The Law of Attraction only works if you believe your desires are possible. Confront your limiting “I can’t” thoughts and you’ll see exactly why you haven’t manifested your desires. Then again, are you setting the bar impossibly high? We all want to be millionaires, but if a few extra Benjamins would lighten your load, start there. Small successes buoy your confidence in going after the bigger ones.
The Law of Attraction only works if you believe your desires are possible. Confront your limiting “I can’t” thoughts and you’ll see exactly why you haven’t manifested your desires. Then again, are you setting the bar impossibly high? We all want to be millionaires, but if a few extra Benjamins would lighten your load, start there. Small successes buoy your confidence in going after the bigger ones.
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut — known as The AstroTwins — are professional astrologers with over 15 years experience in astrology, publishing, and coaching. Their columns and predictions reach millions every month.
The AstroTwins are the authors of The AstroTwins' Love Zodiac: The Essential Astrology Guide for Women (Sourcebooks) and Shoestrology: Discover Your Birthday Shoe (Random House). Tali and Ophira have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Stevie Wonder, and Sting. Their astrological insight has been featured by MTV, The New York Times, The Style Network, and E! News. They also appear as regular guests on SIRIUS/XM Radio, giving advice to callers each month.
As the co-creators of Astrostyle, the AstroTwins help clients and readers "de-sign" amazing lives with their unique, applied method of astrology and coaching. They are available for private astrology readings by phone or in person.