Thirdhand Smoke And Lingering Carcinogens
Of course, smoking doesn't just increase your own risk of getting cancer, it increases the risk for everyone around you. Secondhand smoke is a well-known carcinogen, but what about thirdhand smoke? Even after cigarette smoke has cleared, toxins can linger, says Dr. Jyothi Marbin, M.D., a pediatrician at Children's Hospital & Research Center Oakland. "Close your eyes, and imagine you’re sitting in a car where someone has been smoking," she says. "Can you smell that lingering odor that remains in the car? That’s thirdhand smoke."
BPA In Water Bottles And Other Plastic Products
Summer's almost fully upon us, and the hotter we get, the more water we drink. But, what about those rumors we've heard about plastic water bottles causing cancer? We'll never forget when Sheryl Crow attributed her breast cancer to the BPA (Bisphenol A, a chemical used in plastics) in re-used water bottles.