It Won't Be That Cheap
There’s tons of noise about a “cheap iPhone,” but let’s not get it twisted here — “less expensive” is the term we’d roll with. While it will be significantly less then the current iPhone, it will clock in at about $300 to $350 versus $600. So, yes, there is a bit of a difference, but we think calling it cheap is a stretch. It will however have a plastic back similar to the first-generation iPhone. So, basically, imagine it will look strikingly similar to an old iPhone. Remember those things?
Finger Scanning
It wasn't long after the iPhone 5 debuted on September 21, 2012 before folks flocked to the rumor forums to speculate what the next iteration would be. The first being the term iPhone 5S. In past generations, the "S" has stood for "speed" (3GS) and "Siri" (4S). Early 2013 rumors predicted a possible fingerprint identifying feature, meaning the "s" in this 5S' case could stand for "scan." That rumor has remained a fixture in the slew of speculations, and today, Topeka Capital analyst Brian White says it will be the gadget's "killer feature."
Colors Galore
Ah, the good ol’ days — when Apple offered its items in a multitude of hues (we still miss our G3 desktops!). Well, according to CNET, the Cupertino-based company is kicking it old school (maybe!) and offering the new phones in five bright tones. We can expect to see colors like pink and blue added to the mix of options. Also, since we're on the topic of aesthetics, the iPhone 6 is rumored to come with gold-trim. Fancy! The options are endless.
More Storage, AirDrop, and iOS7
The iPhone 6 is rumored to have a whopping 128GB worth of storage, that’s no joke people. So, expect tons of more space! Also, you can get excited about AirDrop, a WiFi feature that allows you to trade files with a quick tap, without even needing to be on the same network. Finally, like Apple did with the 5 and iOS6, the newest generation is said to use iOS7, the newest software with an insanely high-def Retina display (as if the newest screens aren't HD enough). If this is true, the device's screen would be larger and the camera's resolution would be beefed up to a whopping 13 megapixels.
Release Date
Last but certainly not least — let's talk release dates. According to Business Insider, the iPhone Mini will hit the market as soon as next month! While the much-anticpated iPhone 6 is expected to roll out much later, sometime in 2014.
Photo: Via Apple