Please, No: Beard Beer Is Exactly What It Sounds Like

Have you ever wondered why you can't have nice things? It's because of Beard Beer, we have little doubt. And yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. It's beer. Made from yeast. Yeast that was grown in a man's beard. Cue the resounding shudder.
The brewmaster of Rogue Ales, John Maier (only in Portland, obviously), accidentally discovered by way of a joke that his beard, which he has been growing since 1978, is home to a thriving yeast colony just waiting to be used for a new brew. The official company line is this: "Brewers have used wild yeasts in beer making for centuries. John has had the same Old Growth Beard since 1983 and for over 15,000 brews, so it is no great surprise that a natural yeast ideal for brewing was discovered in his beard.” Wild yeasts, yes. But beard yeasts? Yes, it sounds a bit off-putting, but the truth is, it's just beer made with yeast like any other — and of course, any company with even a minimal standard of cleanliness would ensure that no actual beard parts end up in your bottle. It's not like he's sifting each batch through his beard by hand; in fact, reviews even say it tastes pretty good.
Convinced? Okay, then order some, and please, do report back. (The Gloss)

Photo: Courtesy of Rogue Ales.

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