Miley Cyrus has been known to shock. She's been known to wear revealing outfits and cut her hair and shave her head. That's all totally fine with us. But today, we've come across something truly shocking: Ms. Cyrus has made what we consider to be an unprecedented scientific development in the world of pants, debuted last night at the This Is MySpace event (of all things) in L.A.
Of course, it was presumably a designer who created them, but the discovery is groundbreaking, nonetheless. Do we like it? We're not so sure. It does appear that she and Justin Bieber are involved in a competition for the craziest pants of all. Though, the thing about this outfit is that it's not even all about the pants — wait until you zoom in...
Photo: Jim Smeal/BEImages.

Look, she's wearing a grill on her lower jaw! In addition to a host of other crazy, blinged-out jewelry. And, while we're not entirely sure about the pants, we have to say, there's something kind of awesome about her accessories game. It's loud, it's proud, it's very distinctly Miley. Probably the first grill we've seen a woman rock on the red carpet, but she's doing her thing, and we respect that.
Photo: Everett Collection/Rex USA.