We've always been a bit wary of artificial sweeteners — the key word here being "artificial" — but due to the lack of valid research, we haven't exactly banned Splenda from our lives or anything. Well, we might finally think twice about our fake sugar habit, as the Center for Science in the Public Interest has now officially downgraded sucralose's safety rating from "safe" to "caution." Meaning that because of Splenda's potential health risks, we should consider cutting our usage down to just a packet a day.
And, don't think that switching to another artificial sweetener such as Sweet 'N Low or Equal will be any better for you — the CSPI also recommends avoiding saccharin, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium. But, before we start a substitute-sugar hysteria, it should be noted that there are still mixed opinions and skepticism surrounding the safety of artificial sweeteners. The research and claims that artificial sweeteners, in particular sucralose, are harmful to our health are still very controversial. Many of the studies have been done in animals, which aren't perfect comparisons to humans, and could therefore skew results. Also, especially with new research, unpublished studies still need to be reviewed and deemed credible by scientific peers.
While we can make a case for both continuing and discontinuing our use of Splenda, the important thing here is staying informed. Bottom line: Splenda might not be as healthy as we think it is, but the jury's still out. The choice to consume it, however, is up to each of us to decide for ourselves. (Huffington Post)