3D movies? Yeah, we've seen them. 3D video games? Old hat. There's even 3D printing. But now, we've been introduced to the 3D Kama Sutra — because ever since ancient Hindus drew the practice, we've perpetually wondered, "What about the other dimensions?".
Well, thanks to an Welsh erotica publishing company,we will now know where exactly that left limb (among others) goes. Leaving little to the imagination, the Kama Xcitra app offers 3D views of 69 (of course) different sexual positions, making this pop-up book our next beach read...or, maybe we'll just save it for the nightstand.
The world's first 3D Kama Sutra guide is not just instantaneous satisfaction — readers first need to purchase the accompanying book and download the free app, which is compatible with Apple and Android technology. When you hold the app over the image, a fully rotatable 3D man and woman appear. Users can also change the bodies' skin and hair color, add music to set the mood, or share their favorite number with the social media world (politicians, beware!). We're likening this app's range of activity to a Barbie-meets-Ken's-genitals kind of playtime. And, for those of us who are more go-getter types, we can even freeze the image to use as a reference when it comes time to actually perform (because holding your Droid while trying out positions might pose a problem).
Even if Kama Sutra isn't your bag, you've got to love the woman behind the concept. Publisher Hazel Cushion, a single mother of triplets, started her own press 10 years ago before creating an an imprint for erotic tales five years ago. Since then, her business has been so successful that she was even invited to Buckingham Palace to meet the Queen of England. "When I first started the Xcite Books list I was pretty shy about it," she told Publishing Perspectives. "Now, though, due to the awards we’ve won and customer feedback, I feel really proud of it." As you should, Hazel. As you should. (Publishing Perspectives).

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