What is summer without a rooftop, backyard, or poolside party? It's a summer misspent, friends. One of our favorite evening activities is the impromptu hangout, enjoying the warm night air and a cool, summer cocktail in our hands. But, let's face it: Whipping up drinks for a bunch of friends can be a costly headache, and do you even know where your shaker is?
Enter: sangria. This is a classic wine punch you can whip up in five minutes and serve all your thirsty friends at once, for less than what costs for one fancy bottle of wine. Plus, nothing says summer like this light, fruity quaff. A little juice, a little fruit, and one bottle of red — and you have yourself an evening...plus, cash leftover for a second round.
Check out our recipe for the classic red wine sangria, served in homes, restaurants and roadside cafes all over Spain and Portugal. Cheers!
1/2 orange, thinly sliced
1/2 lemon, thinly sliced
1 apple, cored and sliced
2 tbsps fresh lime juice
2 tbsps fresh orange juice
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup brandy
1/4 cup orange-flavored liqueur (like Cointreau or Grand Marnier)
1 bottle hearty red wine
1 750-ml bottle sparkling water
Combine all ingredients in a large pitcher, excluding the sparkling water. Stir until sugar dissolved completely.
For the wine, don't get fancy. A high-end wine is unnecessary and will lose it's complexity when combined with all these ingredients. Try a Rioja, Cabernet, Chianti, Sangiovese, or Merlot for around $10.
Ideally, let the sangria chill in the fridge for an hour or so, then top with sparkling water and serve!