Ever since news of the Apple iWatch hit the blogosphere, techies and Apple fanatics everywhere have been waiting for the final product with bated breath. While there's still no word on the big reveal, we are learning a bit more about the brains behind it all.
The new watch will be designed by none other than Jonathan Ive, Apple's head of software. Ive got his start creating the sleek looks of the iMacs we all know and love, and most recently spearheaded the controversial iOS 7 — and that's where everyone gets nervous. Apple and Ive have caught some serious flack for the whimsical, almost dizzying colors and shapes that dominate the new software's layout. In fact, even blogs dedicated to the designer's overuse of gradient and rainbow hues have been spawned.
Apple followers are worried that the same fate will befall the yet-to-be-released watch, which, as a piece of jewelry, stands to be a lot more in your face than an iPhone you can stuff in your purse. And, while we're hesitant to judge the book before we even see the cover, we have to admit that the peanut gallery has a point. (Fashionista)

Photo: Via Fashionista