Aries (March 21-April 19)
There you go, volunteering to host the Fourth of July barbecue, opting for grass-fed beef for the burgers, making your grandmother’s potato-salad recipe, and handling all the decorations. STOP. Flex that atrophied teamwork muscle instead and let others be part of the planning process (even if they don’t do things to Martha’s standards). You’ll get a better workout from this challenge…and you will actually enjoy your time off as a result.
There you go, volunteering to host the Fourth of July barbecue, opting for grass-fed beef for the burgers, making your grandmother’s potato-salad recipe, and handling all the decorations. STOP. Flex that atrophied teamwork muscle instead and let others be part of the planning process (even if they don’t do things to Martha’s standards). You’ll get a better workout from this challenge…and you will actually enjoy your time off as a result.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Rip up the agenda and go with the flow this week, especially during holiday celebrations. A spontaneous Plan B may trump your original agenda, especially if it involves merging parties with some fun-loving people you meet along the way. Who knows? You could spend your long weekend on the deck of a yacht or at an outdoor music festival.
Rip up the agenda and go with the flow this week, especially during holiday celebrations. A spontaneous Plan B may trump your original agenda, especially if it involves merging parties with some fun-loving people you meet along the way. Who knows? You could spend your long weekend on the deck of a yacht or at an outdoor music festival.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Before you take off for the holiday break, leave your mark at work. Let it be known that you are dedicated and ready to climb a few rungs up the ladder. For Geminis in search of gainful employment, weekend parties may double as networking events. Prepare your “elevator pitch,” a concise and enticing description of what you have to offer, that you can spout off in the time it takes for someone to squeeze ketchup and mustard on a freshly grilled hot dog.
Before you take off for the holiday break, leave your mark at work. Let it be known that you are dedicated and ready to climb a few rungs up the ladder. For Geminis in search of gainful employment, weekend parties may double as networking events. Prepare your “elevator pitch,” a concise and enticing description of what you have to offer, that you can spout off in the time it takes for someone to squeeze ketchup and mustard on a freshly grilled hot dog.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Do your outsides match your insides? With Jupiter now happily ensconced in your sign for 13 months, there could be some “rebranding” in order. No need to start from scratch. Dig around in the crates for a retro style you’d like to revive. Mix in pieces of your past with a modernist flourish, and voilà: the “brand-new” you.
Do your outsides match your insides? With Jupiter now happily ensconced in your sign for 13 months, there could be some “rebranding” in order. No need to start from scratch. Dig around in the crates for a retro style you’d like to revive. Mix in pieces of your past with a modernist flourish, and voilà: the “brand-new” you.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Boundaries! Someone has mistaken you for a welcome mat, but before he or she dares wipe another foot on your back, speak up on your own behalf. It’s your job to draw the line and let ‘em know when you’ve given past the point of “'til it hurts.” Take responsibility for your role in the matter. You’ve been spoiling people, Leo, but this week, they’ll learn that reciprocity is required.
Boundaries! Someone has mistaken you for a welcome mat, but before he or she dares wipe another foot on your back, speak up on your own behalf. It’s your job to draw the line and let ‘em know when you’ve given past the point of “'til it hurts.” Take responsibility for your role in the matter. You’ve been spoiling people, Leo, but this week, they’ll learn that reciprocity is required.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Don’t take anything at face value this week, Virgo. When your intuition tells you there’s something brewing, follow your gut instincts. You could save a situation from its own demise or help turn someone’s life around simply because you took a moment to care. P.S. This may involve a sibling, neighbor, or someone you work with every day.
Don’t take anything at face value this week, Virgo. When your intuition tells you there’s something brewing, follow your gut instincts. You could save a situation from its own demise or help turn someone’s life around simply because you took a moment to care. P.S. This may involve a sibling, neighbor, or someone you work with every day.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
The pressure is on! You’ve made a lot of promises, Libra, and now people are asking you to ante up. But if you genuinely can’t do a good job at fulfilling your word, don’t try to wing it. You have two choices: You can either fess up to your oversight (and risk leaving people in the lurch) or call for backup. Many hands make light work, and can help leave your sterling reputation intact.
The pressure is on! You’ve made a lot of promises, Libra, and now people are asking you to ante up. But if you genuinely can’t do a good job at fulfilling your word, don’t try to wing it. You have two choices: You can either fess up to your oversight (and risk leaving people in the lurch) or call for backup. Many hands make light work, and can help leave your sterling reputation intact.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Stay miles away from catty conversations this week, as your name could get dragged through the mud along with the true smack-talkers. That goes for family drama, too. If the Fourth of July barbecue turns into major drama, let your peeps know that you’re staying “Switzerland” on this one.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Stay miles away from catty conversations this week, as your name could get dragged through the mud along with the true smack-talkers. That goes for family drama, too. If the Fourth of July barbecue turns into major drama, let your peeps know that you’re staying “Switzerland” on this one.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Conversations about personal economics can no longer be avoided, especially when it comes to the bills you share with another person. Truth be told, you could use a little more support this week, Sagittarius. If others involved can’t pony up in cash, how can they contribute? Someone may have to put in a little sweat equity to make up for the gap. Also, don’t let debt mount. Work out payment plans and cut yourself off if you’re overspending somewhere.
Conversations about personal economics can no longer be avoided, especially when it comes to the bills you share with another person. Truth be told, you could use a little more support this week, Sagittarius. If others involved can’t pony up in cash, how can they contribute? Someone may have to put in a little sweat equity to make up for the gap. Also, don’t let debt mount. Work out payment plans and cut yourself off if you’re overspending somewhere.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Independence Day is nigh so liberate yourself from the grips of your own competitive thoughts. As the old adage goes, when you compare, you despair. There may always be someone who is “better” than you, Capricorn. Allow these people to be your inspiration and way-showers rather than a measuring stick that you use to beat yourself up with.
Independence Day is nigh so liberate yourself from the grips of your own competitive thoughts. As the old adage goes, when you compare, you despair. There may always be someone who is “better” than you, Capricorn. Allow these people to be your inspiration and way-showers rather than a measuring stick that you use to beat yourself up with.
Aquarius (January 20-February 19)
With Venus in your partnership house all week, it’s prime time to join forces. When casting for the role of “your other half,” don’t just look for someone who is just like you. The law of opposites attract could reveal a far more complementary match now. Keep an eye out: This could be someone who you already know in a different context.
With Venus in your partnership house all week, it’s prime time to join forces. When casting for the role of “your other half,” don’t just look for someone who is just like you. The law of opposites attract could reveal a far more complementary match now. Keep an eye out: This could be someone who you already know in a different context.
Pisces (February 20-March 20)
Drama alert! Don’t let emotions build to a fever pitch. You’ll need to take more than just a couple cooldown breaks this week. Remember: Nothing ever gets resolved when you’re triggered, on edge, or completely freaking out. When you let the initial wave of anxiety pass, creative solutions will emerge. Everything is going to work out, Pisces.
Drama alert! Don’t let emotions build to a fever pitch. You’ll need to take more than just a couple cooldown breaks this week. Remember: Nothing ever gets resolved when you’re triggered, on edge, or completely freaking out. When you let the initial wave of anxiety pass, creative solutions will emerge. Everything is going to work out, Pisces.
Identical twin sisters Tali and Ophira Edut — known as The AstroTwins — are professional astrologers with over 15 years experience in astrology, publishing, and coaching. Their columns and predictions reach millions every month.
The AstroTwins are the authors of The AstroTwins' Love Zodiac: The Essential Astrology Guide for Women (Sourcebooks) and Shoestrology: Discover Your Birthday Shoe (Random House). Tali and Ophira have read charts for celebrities including Beyoncé, Stevie Wonder, and Sting. Their astrological insight has been featured by MTV, The New York Times, The Style Network, and E! News. They also appear as regular guests on SIRIUS/XM Radio, giving advice to callers each month.
As the co-creators of Astrostyle, the AstroTwins help clients and readers "de-sign" amazing lives with their unique, applied method of astrology and coaching. They are available for private astrology readings by phone or in person.