So, we're thinking that we're going to drop every life goal that we've been working towards and focus solely on procuring Linda Rodin as our best friend. Sound good? We think so, too.
Today on The New Potato, the style icon and creator of Rodin Olio Lusso talks food, style, beauty, and even allows the website to photograph her kitchen and the inside of her refrigerator. Rodin is, as always, amazing — full of self-effacing humor and frank honesty about how she stays stylish and healthy (read: none of this B.S. about "drinking water and hoping for the best").
Citing ample sleep and a healthy, balanced diet as the contributing factors of her slim frame and graceful good looks, Rodin shuns extremity for a simplistic, Meditteranean approach to nutrition: "I eat organic romaine lettuce, mixed with organic avocados, and organic hard-boiled egg...I’m not some nut. But on a menu, I will always go to the salads and not the entrees." Far from the self-bashing that many women subject themselves to, Rodin embraces a gentler approach to self-care: "I sleep a lot and I take good care of myself...I really think that’s the key – for me, anyway."
When it comes to beauty, Rodin uses her skin care products exclusively (after all, Rodin created her Olio Lusso simply because she couldn't find any skin care products that she liked amongst those already on the market), and relies on a minimalistic makeup routine of Maybelline Great Lash mascara and bright lipstick.
The style icon's mantra for dressing and living well? Honesty, she says. "I think everybody just has to be kind of true to themselves...I think you just have to really figure out what looks good on you, and just be honest with yourself." So, give it to us straight Linda: Can we be your BFF?
(The New Potato)

Photo: Courtesy Of The New Potato