Senate Passes Sweeping Immigration Reform, Giving Illegal Immigrants Hope

Well, it has been one hell of a week to be an American. First, there was the depressing gutting of the Voting Rights Act, followed by an inspiring filibuster by Texan Wendy Davis, and, of course, yesterday. But the Senate just approved a sweeping, generation-defining immigration reform bill that has bipartisan support, which will help 11 million people who are living here illegally take steps to becoming recognized Americans — while also putting more money into border security and background checks.
The bill was a huge priority for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who was hoping to have it voted on before the July 4 holiday. Of course, the passing of the bill in the Senate was expected; it's the Republican-led House that pundits believe will shoot it down.
However, it is heartening to see that the Senate is making efforts to require individuals who have been living in the United States (oftentimes for decades) without green cards find a way to become legally registered — and stop living in fear of being kicked out of their own communities. Also, it is a great sign to see politicians like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio reaching across the aisle to help their constituents. Hopefully, the House will surprise us. (NPR)

Photo: Via NPR

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