Is something missing in your life? Just an empty feeling you can't quite define? It's probably because you don't know about the Magic Mike sequel yet. But, rejoice: Today you are finally whole.
While promoting his new movie White House Down, Channing Tatum let it slip that yes, the sequel to your favorite thong-tastic movie is really happening! What's more, he says, "It will be a road trip movie." The first flick operated on a measly $7 million budget but pulled in $150 million at box offices, so you can expect this one to benefit from some serious cash. From what Tatum has to say, it sounds like this next installment might actually be a stripper version of The Hangover. "It will essentially be the movie that everyone thought the first one was going to be — crazy and fun and less slice-of-life and less drama," he explained. "The first one, we had to make not so cheesy and campy; this one we are going to swing for the fences." And while we love a bit of camp, we hope this one won't completely abandon the bits that grounded the previous movie, either. (ET Online)
Photo: Courtesy of Warner Bros.