Guys, the heat is on. And there's more to do than lug your AC into its regular window and stock up on sundresses as the mercury slowly creeps higher and higher. There are picnics to plan, parties to arrange, time-saving apps to download, and heat-beating looks to create. It can be a lot for one woman to handle (particularly when it's getting so sticky out.)
Being the humanitarians that we are, we're hooking you up with the essential intel you need to make it from June to September in one piece. In the next few weeks, we'll be teaching you how to style yourself for the heat (without looking like you're half-naked), plan the best outdoor parties, optimize your smartphone for summer, and, of course, pack the best picnic basket ever. So, keep checking back for our New Summer Essentials and consider your seasonal mischief managed.
Photos: (Clockwise from upper left) Courtesy of Steven Alan; Photographed by David X. Prutting/BFAnyc.com; Photographed by Alexandra R. Gavillet; Photographed by Alice Gao.