Zaha Hadid Designed A Shoe Only Lady Gaga Could Love

Most of us associate architects with buildings, but today's designers dabble in so much more than skyscrapers. Now, Zaha Hadid, the architectural powerhouse whose designs seem to defy modern engineering, has designed a shoe reminiscent of Nina Ricci and Noritaka Tatehana's gravity-defying platforms. Hadid's chrome creation was a part of a collaboration with fellow architect Rem D. Koolhaas. Hadid worked with Koolhaas' United Nude shoe company to create the NOVA shoe.
"Our collaboration with United Nude reinterprets the classic shoe typology," Hadid explained, "Pushing the boundaries of what is possible without compromising integrity." Having previously dabbled in the fashion world with Louis Vuitton and Swarovski, the United Nude endeavor proved itself to be a new challenge of material proportion and exploration. The leather-lined chrome, vinyl rubber, and fiberglass shoes retail for a casual $2,000 and come in black, bronze, and rose gold. However, only 100 pairs were made. Well, make that 99, since we're pretty sure we'll be seeing Lady Gaga stomping around in these in the very near future. (The Telegraph)

Photo: Courtesy of The Telegraph.

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