Hold Up — You Can Embed Instagram Videos? Score!

We were completely over the moon when we found out the beloved photo-sharing app Instagram was introducing video. Not that we weren't enthralled with the app before, but our adoration just went to the next level when moving pics launched last month. And, while it’s a divided debate — yes, some people actually loathe the new feature — the S.F.-based company is forging ahead with a new way to view IG vids.
As of today, users will now be able to embed videos to practically any website, which is big news for everyone from news outlets to bloggers to aspiring video journalists. The embed option is available once you click on the individual video — on your desktop profile (not mobile!) — and BAM the code pops up for you to copy and paste. Pretty seamless, right? Oh, Instagram, you continually amaze us. (Instagram)

Photo: Via Instagram