Okay, maybe that's a tad melodramatic, but Elle reports that according to a recent report by dermatologist Dr. Gary S. Chuang of Tufts Medical Center in Boston, the preliminary results of a study he conducted link in-office lasers to airborne toxins.
Chuang decided to investigate the dangers of the procedure after becoming continually alarmed by the black smoke plumes that he was exposed to during the estimated 20 laser hair removal procedures that he performed a week. Initially assumed to be sulfur (which is one of the compounds that makes up a strand of hair), Chuang nonetheless became more and more convinced that the smoke could be harmful.
Disturbingly, Chuang was right — his research team found 300 different chemicals in the smoke, 13 of which are known to be harmful to humans and animals. Freaked out yet? While patients should certainly be on their guard, the dermatologists and technicians that perform these procedures multiple times a day are the ones most at risk to encounter the consequences of constant exposure to these toxins.
We spoke to Andréa Young of Beam Laser Spa in NYC to get a laser hair removal business owner's take on this disturbing news. According to Young, while there aren't any long-term studies about the effects of laser hair removal plume inhalation, she noted that Beam takes extra precautions to provide minimal risk to clients and technicians. This includes offering masks, as well as equipping each room with surgical-grade air evacuators and built-in vents to aspirate the air. Young also notes that she has performed thousands of laser treatments over the years, and claims she has had no adverse reactions to breathing in all that plume.
After the release of these findings, we're left to wonder if these kinds of safety measures will soon be required in all laser hair removal treatment facilities. We really hope the powers that be do what's necessary to keep one of our most beloved lazy-girl beauty treatments safe for all parties involved. (Elle)
What do you think of this new report? Will it keep you from getting laser hair removal or do you think people are just overreacting?
Photo: Courtesy of Beam Laser Spa