EU Beauty Laws Get A Major Upgrade — You Get Some Peace Of Mind

This week saw the EU bring new legislation into effect that will require beauty products to have far more detailed labelling than we’ve seen before. All of this new legislation stems from the Cosmetics Regulation, which acts as a single law that all EU member countries must abide by. What rules are they abiding by, you ask?
Well, each new product that comes to market must have clearly stated on the label contact information of “responsible persons” who are in charge of “product compliance” as well as “maintaining up to date safety assessments.” As well, all nanomaterial (particles or molecules that remain for a long time on the skin’s surface) must now be explicitly stated on the product packaging with the term “nano” appearing in brackets before the ingredient’s name.
What this really means is that we, the consumers, are about to have a lot more information at hand to make clear, informed decisions about what we do and do not want to put on our skin, no matter where we choose to live and work within the EU. Brava, we say. (The Telegraph)

Photo: Via The Telegraph.

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