Drones Delivering Dry Cleaning? Maybe Someday (Soon)

Our daily chores can be hard work, you guys. Having to haul things, deal with people, and just plain leave our apartments is a real pain when we'd rather be sitting in the a/c, sipping a cold one and watching reruns of Breaking Bad. Luckily, thanks to advances in technology, we might not have to worry about things like laundry and dry cleaning ever again.
Manayunk Cleaners, a dry-cleaning service in Philadelphia, recently purchased a small quadrocopter — commercially available drones that retail for under $1,000 — that they will be using to deliver customers' dry cleaning. That's right, a drone could be delivering your clean clothes. Of course, there are limitations to the current system, and it's still illegal to fly a drone to a destination outside of the operators' eyesight. But, this is but a small step for man, and one giant leap for your to-do list. (Fast Company)

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