Robin Givhan Will Cover Fashion Week For The Cut

As the only fashion critic who's won a Pulitzer Prize, Robin Givhan is a powerhouse in the industry, and her deep, nuanced knowledge of politics, pop culture, economics, and history — as well as fashion, of course — makes her an invaluable voice to guide conversation. With such talent and an impressive résumé, it then comes as no surprise that New York Magazine's The Cut scored Givhan this season to cover the spring '14 New York and Paris Fashion Week shows alongside regular contributor (and a brilliant critic in her right), Lynn Yaeger.
Givhan had most recently worked at Newsweek's Fashion Beast, where she was let go during last December's round of heavy layoffs. Since then, she's been been regularly contributing to The Washington Post as well as working on her own book about the 1973 Versailles fashion show. (WWD)

Photo: Courtesy of @RobinGivhan

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