Villains, Batman, And Chuck Klosterman — An Awesome Wednesday Night Lineup

Bad guys, criminals, villains, miscreants — whatever you call them, author Chuck Klosterman is interested. His just-released book I Wear the Black Hat explores all things evil, including what it means when we label someone as such, and why we're so intent on doing it. His ruminations on good versus evil are complete with pop culture references aplenty, ranging from the predictable (i.e. How does Batman play into these notions?), to the more subtle, such as pitting Bill Clinton against musician Don Henley.
Already itching to add this book to your Kindle library? Don't just settle for a digital edition — stop by Skylight Books this Wednesday night, the 17th to hear the author himself read from his book. Sounds like an enlightening evening to us!
When: Wednesday, July 17, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Skylight Books, 1818 North Vermont Avenue (near Franklin Avenue); 323-660-1175.

Photo: Via Skylight Books.

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