In A Serious Relationship? Here’s What Not To Do

As much as we women tend to look back on our youth with fondness (or occasionally, longing), there's no denying that it can be a very trying time. You're still trying to figure out your career, your finances, and your personal style — and, don't even get us started on dating. Although, even if you managed to find Mr. Right (or Mr. Right Now) before your 30s, that doesn't mean life was all fun and games from there on out. Thanks to things like biological clocks and the pressures to tie the knot, relationships during your 20s can be difficult to navigate — a sobering fact we were not-so-gently reminded of thanks to Thought Catalog's latest advice column.
While each couple is no doubt unique in its own beautiful way, there are all kinds of tips and warnings out there to help you avoid a love life disaster. And, while we may not agree with all the writer's advice, it is worth exploring, at least to find out where you and your partner stand when it comes to all sorts of divisive issues, regardless if you're smack in the middle of life's trickiest decade or not. For instance, it's important to suss out your opinions on how to spend your free time (it could spell disaster if you're a party animal but your partner is a homebody), on the issue of children (if or when), and tying the knot.
But, according to Thought Catalog, there are some lesser known issues that could come in the way of eternal happiness. An interest in travel may not seem like a big deal to you and your S.O., but since the decade will most likely afford you optimum flexibility and the least responsibilities, that means it's probably your best chance to fit in those once-in-a-lifetime or on-the-fly trips. And, if one of you is a passionate globe-trotter while the other would rather stick to your home state, that can spell trouble — or wanderlust regrets down the line.
Of course, that's not to say we're going to follow all of the advice that T.C. doles out. The author warns that feminism can play a major factor in a couple's success — as in, if your BF isn't on board with your identity as an enlightened woman, it could lead to major fights. Now, we know that there are all kinds of opinions out there, but we sure hope that all of our fellow ladies are pairing up with guys that respect who they are, and who are even feminists themselves. The same goes for the author's advice to avoid partners with drastically different incomes. Yes, money can affect us more than we'd like to admit, but in our opinion you should never avoid an otherwise healthy relationship out of being self-conscious about your income — or, because you're worried a guy won't get on board with you being the breadwinner.
Read the article in its entirety to find out all the dos and don'ts (at least according to T.C.), and tell us what you think. Any live and learn lessons, and do you have any major deal-breakers? (Thought Catalog)

Photo: Illustrated by Ammiel Mendoza

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