Yes, Uber Will BRING Ice Cream To Your Office…But What Will You Order?

Hey, NYC, is it hot in here or is it just us (ba-dum-bum chhh)? The steam is rolling off the streets, and we don't even wanna talk about what we looked like after walking from the subway to the office this morning. But leave it to the almighty Uber to answer our heatwave prayers. The car/chopper service has now become an ice cream service, and just in the nick of time!
Today, all over Manhattan and Brooklyn, Uber is dispatching Mister Softee and Van Leeuwen ice cream trucks to wait for your calls. Thirty bucks gets you six ice creams as well as Uber merch (T-shirts and sunnies), no cash necessary. It will all go straight to your Uber account. We'll be ordering a complete set of all-chocolate servings — but tell us, what's your favorite flavor?(Uber)

Photographed by Raven Ishak

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